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The Library of Congress > Digital Preservation > Digital Preservation Outreach & Education (DPOE) > Define Education Needs
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Define Education Needs

Through summer and fall of 2010 DPOE conducted a Training Needs Assessment Survey. The survey was distributed through a variety of channels, including posts on professional and academic e-mail listservs. E-mail invitations were sent to archivists, librarians, information officers, corporate executives, and similar professionals. The survey announcement was posted on professional blogs and announced on Twitter, Facebook, and Cards announcing the survey were distributed to attendees of the American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference. The survey received a total of 868 responses.

An Executive Summary (PDF), cross-tabulated questions (PDF), and survey questions with answers recorded by percentage (PDF) are available for download. The most important result of the survey was the realization that there were very few professional development opportunities in digital preservation. Survey respondents identified a need for practical hands-on information and training to conduct and manage digital preservation.

The Training Needs Assessment Survey directly informed the design of the DPOE program pyramid. The pyramid displays target audiences that are necessary to engage for the establishment of successful digital preservation programs throughout the nation.

DPOE Pyramid


Audience Outreach Methods Educational Approaches
Executive Administrators
Governance bodies
Corporate briefings
Provide information on trends in industry, the U.S., and worldwide, using tools such as webinars, corporate briefings, and media, to inform an organization-wide strategy/commitment in digital preservation.
Program managers
Project managers
Line managers
Professional reading—e.g., journals, listservs
Conferences—e.g., presentations, booths,
Social media
Traditional media
Provide a variety of educational options (e.g., half-day, daylong, onsite, Web-based) on setting up and running a successful digital preservation program.
Hands-on staff
Support staff
Online tutorials
Booklets and other publications
Social media
Traditional media
Provide a variety of instructional options (e.g., half-day, daylong, onsite, Web-based) on demonstrations of methods and workflows in digital preservation.