Library of Congress

Digital Preservation

The Library of Congress > Digital Preservation > Partners > Data-PASS

Lead Partner: ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research), University of Michigan

Project Dates: 2004-2010

Additional Partners: A complete listing of the project partners can be found at the partners viewshare

Data-PASS has acquired and preserved social science data at risk of being lost to the research community, including opinion polls, voting records, large-scale surveys and other social science studies. While this information provides the full story of the social and cultural experience of America, a huge quantity of this data is missing or at-risk.  Significant data collections that had not been deposited in a permanent archive have been identified and acquired by the partner institutions. Through NDIIPP funding, these data have been preserved and made available through a shared catalog.

More detailed project information can be found at the Project Web site (external link)


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